Division I

Edith Weymayr

Chief Executive Officer

Edith Weymayr (born 1964 in Amberg, Upper Palatinate) studied Business Administration at the University of Bayreuth and started her professional career as a Risk Manager with Commerzbank Aktiengesellschaft in 1990.

From July 2004 to June 2006 she was funding adviser for mid-sized businesses with the auditing firm Klynveld Peat Marwick Goerdeler .

She re-joined Commerzbank in July 2006 and led the Financial Engineering Center with responsibility for advising middle-sized firms in the South Germany Region till September 2010. Subsequently, as head of division of sales management and credit management, she developed and managed the sales concept of Commerzbank's Mittelstandsbank.

From 2013 to 2015 Edith Weymayr was Asia Regional Board Member based in Shanghai responsible for corporate client business in China, Hong Kong, Japan and Singapore.

From the beginning of 2016 to the end of 2019 Edith Weymayr was as Divisional Board Member Mittelstandsbank at Commerzbank in charge of corporate business in Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria.

The Council of Ministers of Baden-Württemberg appointed Edith Weymayr Chief Executive Officer of the Board of L‑Bank with effect from 01.01.2020.

She leads the Business Division responsible for Corporate Communications and Business Strategy, Human Resources, Organisation and Transformation, Information Technology and Digitization, Financial Controlling, Financial Support of Housing Companies and Residential Properties. The Revision function also reports to her.

Edith Weymayr is Member of the Board of the Association of German Public Sector Banks (VÖB).

She is Member of the Supervisory Board of Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG, of Baden-Württemberg International and of the Advisory Board of the Deutsche Bundesbank's Regional Office in Baden-Württemberg.


Here you can find the print version of the CV and the press photo.

  • CV Edith Weymayr

    Edith Weymayr (born 1964 in Amberg, Upper Palatinate) studied Business Administration at the University of Bayreuth and started her professional career as a Risk Manager with Commerzbank AG in 1990.

    Publication date 01.05.2024
    Valid from 01.05.2024
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